Copyright: Scott Hanson
This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN Open Hardware License Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal. (CERN-OHL-S)
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The PB16 Pixel Controller is designed as an open source DIY hobbyist controller. A Pocketbeagle running FPP drives the 16 pixel ports and 2 serial ports. The design was made with all through hole components for easy assembly by most users. It is designed to be modular and support many use cases. It runs a full Linux operating system with ethernet, WIFI and audio supported over the USB port. It can run in standalone, or be used with other controllers/devices. It is 140mm (5’) wide by 103mm(4’) tall. The controllers small form factor and simplistic design are intended to limit overall cost. All the design files are open source and available on github. Open source applications were used to create this controller. KiCad was used for the PCB design, and LibreOffice for the documentation.
To order your own PCB upload the file to your favorite PCB manufacture of choice, I personally use
Assembly Instructions are included in the manual below.